The National Academies

NCHRP IDEA 20-30/IDEA 129 [Completed (IDEA)]

Developing Embedded Wireless Strain/Stress/Temperature Sensors Platform for Highway Applications
[ NCHRP 20-30 (NCHRP-IDEA) ]

  Project Data
Staff Responsibility: Dr. Inam Jawed

This project  developed and tested a radiofrequency (RF) wireless embedded sensor platform for monitoring material responses to traffic flow, such as deformation, pressure, temperature and acceleration inside asphalt, soil, and concrete structures. A prototype platform was designed that consisted of three main modules: sensor system, measurement/control/RF transmission, and Faraday/piezoelectric power harvesting devices. The sensor components were calibrated with the sensor control/RF data acquisition boards developed in the project and the calibration of strain sensors for asphalt and concrete material deformation was completed using MTS 810. The sensor was tested against measurements from standard Asphalt Extensometer (Model 3910). The results showed that the strain sensor was able to measure accurately the asphalt strain level as a function of loading profile. It measured strain changes that matched results obtained from the conventional methods. Furthermore, the developed strain sensors met the asphalt strain measurement requirements with rapid enough response time. Similar strain calibration tests were also performed for concrete. The results showed that the embedded sensor had the same strain response behavior as the Extensometer, suggesting that these sensors could reveal the true deformation behavior of concrete material under dynamic loading conditions. Additional work is needed before the system can be implemented in the field.  The NTIS number is PB2011-114171. The contractor's final report is available.

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