Project Number Project Title Stage Comments
NCHRP 08-100Environmental Justice Analyses When Considering Toll Implementation or Rate ChangesCompleted
NCHRP 08-101Enhanced Truck Data Collection and Analysis for Emissions ModelingFinalPublished as NCHRP Report 909
NCHRP 08-102Bicyclist Facility Preferences and Effects on Increasing Bicycle TripsFinal
NCHRP 08-103Implementing NCHRP Report 806: Guide to Cross-Asset Resource Allocation and the Impact on Transportation System PerformanceFinalPublished as NCHRP Research Report 921
NCHRP 08-104A Guidebook for Post-Award Contract Administration for Highway Projects Delivered Using Alternative Contracting MethodsCompleted
NCHRP 08-105Measuring the Effectiveness of Public Involvement in Transportation Planning and Project Delivery Final
NCHRP 08-106Metropolitan Freight Transportation: Implementing Effective StrategiesFinalPublished as NCHRP Report 897.
NCHRP 08-107A Guidebook for Emergency Contracting Procedures for Administration of a Regional Emergency Final
NCHRP 08-108Developing National Performance Management Data Strategies to Address Data Gaps, Standards, and QualityFinal
NCHRP 08-109Updating the AASHTO Transportation Asset Management Guide—A Focus on Implementation, Phase 1Completed
NCHRP 08-110Traffic Forecasting Accuracy Assessment ResearchCompleted
NCHRP 08-111Effective Decision-Making Methods for Freight-Efficient Land UseFinal
NCHRP 08-112A Guidebook for Implementing Alternative Technical Concepts into Project Delivery MethodsFinalFinal publication now available.
NCHRP 08-113Integrating Effective Transportation Performance, Risk, and Asset Management PracticesFinalPublished as NCHRP Research Report 985
NCHRP 08-114Systematic Approach for Determining Construction Contract Time: A GuidebookFinalWork completed under NCHRP 08-114A and published as NCHRP Research Report 979
NCHRP 08-114ASystematic Approach for Determining Construction Contract Time: A GuidebookFinal
NCHRP 08-115Guidebook for Data and Information Systems for Transportation Asset Management Final
NCHRP 08-116Framework for Managing Data from Emerging Transportation Technologies to Support Decision-MakingFinalNCHRP Research Report 1008: Workforce 2030: Attracting, Retaining, and Developing the 2030 Transportation Workforce: Design, Construction, and Maintenance
NCHRP 08-117Impact of Transformational Technologies on Land Use and TransportationFinal
NCHRP 08-118Risk Assessment Techniques for Transportation Asset ManagementFinal
NCHRP 08-119Data Integration, Sharing, and Management for Transportation Planning and Traffic OperationsCompleted
NCHRP 08-120Initiating the Systems Engineering Process for Rural Connected Vehicle CorridorsFinalFinal report NCHRP 978 is now available.
NCHRP 08-121Accessibility Measures in Practice: Guidance for Transportation Agencies Final
NCHRP 08-122Metropolitan Planning Organizations: Strategies for Future SuccessFinal
NCHRP 08-123Census Transportation Data Field Guide for Transportation ApplicationsFinalPublished as NCHRP Research Report 1108.
NCHRP 08-124Quantifying the Impacts of Corridor ManagementFinalProject deliverables have been published and may be found here:
NCHRP 08-125Attracting, Retaining, and Developing the Transportation Workforce: Transportation PlannersFinal
NCHRP 08-128Snapshots of Planning PracticesActive
NCHRP 08-129Incorporating Resilience Concepts and Strategies in Transportation PlanningFinalPublished as NCHRP Research Report 1052: Integrating Resilience Concepts into Transportation Planning
NCHRP 08-130Best Practices in Coordination of Public Transit and Ride SharingActiveResearch in progress.
NCHRP 08-131Access to Jobs, Economic Opportunities, and Education in Rural AreasFinal
NCHRP 08-132Accessing America's Great Outdoors: Forecasting Recreational Travel DemandFinal
NCHRP 08-133Implementing the National Intercity Bus Atlas FinalPhases II and III will be executed under NCHRP 08-133(01)
NCHRP 08-133(01)Implementing the National Intercity Bus Atlas (Phases II and III)ActiveChanged Staff Officer - 9.14.23
NCHRP 08-134Integrating Freight Movement into 21st Century Communities' Land Use, Design, and Transportation SystemsFinal
NCHRP 08-135Reliability and Quality of Service Evaluation Methods for Rural HighwaysFinal
NCHRP 08-136Guidebook on Using Performance-Based Management Approaches for MaintenanceActiveResearch in progress.
NCHRP 08-137Updates to the Digital Edition of the AASHTO Transportation Asset Management GuideFinal
NCHRP 08-138Guide to the Integration of Transportation Systems Management and Operations into Transportation Asset Management Active
NCHRP 08-139Guide for Preventing and Mitigating the Risk of Bridge and Tunnel Strikes by Motor VehiclesCompletedThe final deliverables will be published as NCHRP Research Report 1132 and NCHRP Web-Only Document 411
NCHRP 08-140Guide for Truck Parking Information Management SystemsCompleted
NCHRP 08-141A Guidebook for Local Truck Parking RegulationsActiveResearch in progress.
NCHRP 08-142Virtual Public Involvement: A Manual for Effective, Equitable, and Efficient Practices for Transportation AgenciesCompletedIn publication process
NCHRP 08-143Guide to the Application of Spatial Segmentation on Travel Time Reliability MeasuresActive
NCHRP 08-144Rural Transit Fleet Mix and Vehicle Size Decision TreesActiveResearch in progress
NCHRP 08-145Utilizing Cooperative Automated Transportation (CAT) Data to Enhance Freeway Operational StrategiesFinal
NCHRP 08-146Integrating Resiliency into Transportation System OperationsCompletedFinal deliverables pending
NCHRP 08-147 Improving Public Transportation in Rural Areas and Tribal CommunitiesCompleted
NCHRP 08-148A Guide for Management of Out-of-Service FacilitiesActiveResearch in progress.
NCHRP 08-149Estimating Benefits of Closing Gaps in Active Transportation NetworksCompletedIn publication process
NCHRP 08-150Tools to Integrate Equity into Active Transportation and Safety InvestmentsActiveResearch in progress
NCHRP 08-151Risk Management at State DOTs: Building Momentum and Sustaining the Practice CompletedNew SPO as of 9.14.23
NCHRP 08-152Strategies for Improving Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in the Transportation Planning ProfessionActiveResearch in progress
NCHRP 08-153A Guide for the Development and Use of Truck Traffic Forecasts in DesignActive
NCHRP 08-154Guidance for Agencies to Incorporate Uncertainty into Long-Range Transportation PlanningActive
NCHRP 08-155Handbook for Addressing Racial Disparities in the Project Delivery Process ActiveResearch is progress.
NCHRP 08-156Planning for Innovative and Emerging Mobility Futures at Intermodal Passenger FacilitiesAnticipated$200,000 to TCRP D-21
NCHRP 08-157Best Practices for Data Fusion of Probe and Point Detector DataCompleted
NCHRP 08-158A Compendium for Communicating the Value of Freight and Community InteractionsPendingContract pending at this time.
NCHRP 08-159How to Assess and Address Equity of Access to Essential Goods and ServicesActive
NCHRP 08-160Guide to Identify and Mitigate the Negative Effects of Gentrification Caused by Transportation InvestmentActive
NCHRP 08-161Cultivating Accountability Through Meaningful Public EngagementActive
NCHRP 08-162Guidance for Implementing Equitable Transportation Decision-MakingActive
NCHRP 08-163Defining Appropriate Design and Accommodation Thresholds for Active Transportation in a Context-Driven ApproachActive
NCHRP 08-164Institutional Integration of Active TransportationActiveResearch is progress.
NCHRP 08-165Use of Active Transportation Data in Decision-MakingActive
NCHRP 08-166Racial and Socioeconomic Inequities in Active Transportation SafetyPending
NCHRP 08-167Guide for Creating Effective Transportation VisualizationsActiveResearch in progress.
NCHRP 08-168Analysis and Assessment of the National Performance Management DataActiveResearch in progress
NCHRP 08-169Valuing Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Transportation Asset ManagementActive
NCHRP 08-170Closing the Loop: Post-Implementation Evaluation of Transportation ProjectsActive
NCHRP 08-171Institutionalizing the Safe System Approach in Transportation Planning and ProgrammingActive
NCHRP 08-172Benefit Analysis of Private Health Sector Investments in Non-Emergency Medical TransportationActiveResearch is progress.
NCHRP 08-173NCHRP 08-173: Impacts of E-Commerce on Travel and Land Use PatternsActive
NCHRP 08-174Development of a Surveying and Mapping Guide for Transportation ProjectsActive
NCHRP 08-175Understanding Travel Behavior Impacts of Transportation Systems Management and Operations StrategiesActive
NCHRP 08-176Balancing Freight and Goods Delivery Needs in Designing Complete StreetsActiveResearch is progress.
NCHRP 08-177Digitizing Bicycle and Pedestrian Treatments for Promoting Active Transportation Equity and SafetyActiveResearch in Progress
NCHRP 08-178Identifying and Evaluating Divided, Overburdened, and Underrepresented CommunitiesActive
NCHRP 08-179Strategies and Actions for Collaboration: A Guide for DOTs, MPOs, and PartnersActive
NCHRP 08-180Achieving Efficient Cultural Resources Management in Project DeliveryActive
NCHRP 08-181Impacts of Climate Change and Extreme Weather on the Mobility of Socially Vulnerable PopulationsActive
NCHRP 08-182Playbook for Communicating Benefits of Transportation Systems Management and Operations Strategies Using System Performance DataPending
NCHRP 08-183Resource to Support Volunteer Driver Programs in Rural and Low-Density Areas Active
NCHRP 08-184Induced Demand Assessment Framework: A GuideActive
NCHRP 08-185Advancing TSMO Knowledge Management with Generative AIRFP
NCHRP 08-186Best Practices for Distributed Rainfall-Runoff Models to Transform Hydrologic and Hydraulic Modeling for Resilient Transportation Planning and DesignAnticipatedIn development
NCHRP 08-187Primer for Using Generative AI Models in Transportation PlanningRFP
NCHRP 08-188Third-Party Origin-Destination Data Validation for Transportation Planning ApplicationsRFP
NCHRP 08-189Developing a Data Repository to Help with TSMO Strategies EvaluationsRFP
NCHRP 08-190National Evaluation of Truck Parking Demand and Rest Area LocationsAnticipatedIn development
NCHRP 08-191Safe Connections for Tribal and Rural Communities to the Intercity Bus NetworkRFP
NCHRP 08-192Traffic Impacts of E-Commerce in Urbanized Areas: A GuidePending
NCHRP 08-193Implementation of Accessible Temporary and Alternate Pedestrian Access Routes in the Public Right-of-Way RFP
NCHRP 08-194Active Transportation Messaging and Communications in Support of Active Transportation Investment, Including Investment in Safety CountermeasuresAnticipatedIn development
NCHRP 08-195Using Data to Enable Community-Centered TransportationRFP
NCHRP 08-24AForecasting the Basic Inputs to Transportation Planning at the Zonal LevelFinal
NCHRP 08-28Strategic Planning and Management for Transportation AgenciesCompleted
NCHRP 08-29Travel Estimation Techniques for Urban PlanningFinal
NCHRP 08-29(2)Travel Estimation Techniques for Urban PlanningFinal
NCHRP 08-30Characteristics and Changes in Freight Transportation DemandCompleted
NCHRP 08-30AFreight Capacity for the Next CenturyCompleted
NCHRP 08-31ALong-Term Availability of Multimodal Corridor CapacityCompleted
NCHRP 08-32Workshop on Multimodal Transportation Planning Research NeedsCompleted
NCHRP 08-32(1)Innovative Practices for Multimodal Transportation Planning for Freight and PassengersCompleted
NCHRP 08-32(2)Multimodal Transportation: Development of a Performance-Based Planning ProcessCompleted
NCHRP 08-32(2)AMultimodal Transportation: Development of a Performance-Based Planning ProcessCompleted
NCHRP 08-32(3)Integration of Land-Use Planning with Multimodal Transportation PlanningCompleted
NCHRP 08-32(4)Developing and Maintaining Partnerships for Multimodal Transportation PlanningCompleted
NCHRP 08-32(5)Multimodal Transportation Planning DataCompleted
NCHRP 08-33Quantifying Air-Quality and Other Benefits and Costs of Transportation Control MeasuresCompleted
NCHRP 08-34Major Investment Studies: Development of a Practitioner's Guidebook for Effective Study Design, Management, and ImplementationCompleted
NCHRP 08-35Incorporating ITS into the Transportation Planning ProcessFinal
NCHRP 08-36Research for the AASHTO Standing Committee on PlanningFinalCompleted. See individual Tasks for project details.
NCHRP 08-36/Task 001Parking Modeling ProceduresCompletedCompleted---Final report sent to AASHTO
NCHRP 08-36/Task 002Incorporating System Operations and Management Practices in Transportation PlanningFinalCompleted---Final report sent to AASHTO
NCHRP 08-36/Task 003Management of Institutional Changes in State Transportation Planning Processes and ProgramsCompletedCompleted---Final report sent to AASHTO
NCHRP 08-36/Task 004The Use of Expert Panels in Analyzing Transportation and Land Use AlternativesFinalCompleted---Final report sent to AASHTO
NCHRP 08-36/Task 005Incorporating Market Research Techniques into the Transportation Planning ProcessCompletedCompleted---Final report sent to AASHTO
NCHRP 08-36/Task 006Product Delivery of New and Improved Travel Forecasting ProceduresCompletedCompleted---Final report sent to AASHTO
NCHRP 08-36/Task 007Development of a Multimodal Tradeoffs Methodology for Use in Statewide Transportation PlanningFinalSee NCHRP 08-36/Task 7(02) for the Phase II Report
NCHRP 08-36/Task 007(02)Development of a Multimodal Tradeoffs Methodology for Use in Statewide Transportation PlanningFinalPlease see NCHRP 08-36/Task 7 for the Phase I Report
NCHRP 08-36/Task 008Workshop on Transportation Performance MeasuresCompletedCompleted---Published as TRB Conference Proceedings 26
NCHRP 08-36/Task 009Defining and Identifying Probable Non-Attainment Areas for PM2.5CompletedCompleted---Final report sent to AASHTO; see Project 25-17
NCHRP 08-36/Task 010Global Climate Change and Transportation: Coming to TermsCompletedCompleted---Final report published by Eno Foundation and sent to AASHTO
NCHRP 08-36/Task 011Technical Methods to Support Analysis of Environmental-Justice IssuesFinalCompleted---Final report sent to AASHTO
NCHRP 08-36/Task 013National Conference on Transportation and Economic DevelopmentCompletedCompleted---Published as TRB Circular E-C050
NCHRP 08-36/Task 014Consultation Between State DOTs and Local Elected Officials in Non-Metropolitan AreasCompletedCompleted---Final report sent to AASHTO
NCHRP 08-36/Task 015Conference on Transportation and the Environment for the 21st CenturyCompletedCompleted---Published as TRB Circular E-C028
NCHRP 08-36/Task 016Assessment of Proposed Planning and National Environmental Policy Act RegulationsCompletedCompleted---Final report sent to AASHTO
NCHRP 08-36/Task 017Two-Way Education Process with a New CEO on Transportation PlanningCompletedTask cancelled
NCHRP 08-36/Task 018Incorporating Safety into the Transportation Planning ProcessFinalCompleted---Final report sent to AASHTO
NCHRP 08-36/Task 019Transportation Environmental Research Needs ConferenceCompletedCompleted---Published as TRB Conference Proceedings 28
NCHRP 08-36/Task 020Conformity Problems Caused by the Mismatch in SIP / Transportation Plan TimeframeCompletedCompleted---Final report sent to AASHTO; $25K from Project 20-7/Task 141
NCHRP 08-36/Task 021Expediting the Transportation Planning Process to Meet Fast Paced Customer RequirementsFinalCompleted---Final report sent to AASHTO
NCHRP 08-36/Task 022Demonstrating the Positive Impacts of Transportation Investments on Economic, Social, Environmental, Community, and Quality of Life IssuesCompletedCompleted---Final report sent to AASHTO
NCHRP 08-36/Task 023Review of the Potential Feasibility of Using Alternative Revenue Sources to Fund Future State Transportation NeedsCompletedCompleted---Final report sent to AASHTO
NCHRP 08-36/Task 024Investment Requirements Scenarios DevelopmentCompletedCompleted---Final report sent to AASHTO
NCHRP 08-36/Task 025Improved Geographic Clarity in Reporting of Road System ExtentCompletedCompleted---Final report sent to AASHTO
NCHRP 08-36/Task 026Surface Transportation Safety and InvestmentCompletedCompleted---Final report sent to AASHTO
NCHRP 08-36/Task 027Interstate Interchange ReviewCompletedCompleted---Final report sent to AASHTO
NCHRP 08-36/Task 028Rural Conformity: A Survey of PracticeCompletedCompleted---Final report sent to AASHTO
NCHRP 08-36/Task 029Development of a Multimodal Tradeoffs Methodology for Use in Statewide Transportation Planning: Application of the FrameworkCompletedContracted as 08-36/Task 07(02); continuation of Project 08-36/Task 07
NCHRP 08-36/Task 030Workshop on Issues in Intermodal ConnectorsCompletedCompleted---Final report sent to AASHTO
NCHRP 08-36/Task 031Elderly Issues in the Transportation Planning ProcessCompletedCompleted---Final report sent to AASHTO
NCHRP 08-36/Task 032Tools, Techniques, and Methods in Rural Transportation PlanningCompletedCompleted---Final report sent to AASHTO
NCHRP 08-36/Task 033Best Practices in Statewide Freight PlanningCompletedCompleted---Final report sent to AASHTO
NCHRP 08-36/Task 034Incorporating Security into the Transportation Planning ProcessCompletedCompleted---Published as NCHRP Report 525, Volume 3
NCHRP 08-36/Task 035Evaluating State DOT's Planning Practices in Rural PlanningCompletedCompleted---Final report sent to AASHTO
NCHRP 08-36/Task 036Continuation of NCHRP 8-36(6) TMIP SupportCompletedCompleted. For contract purposes, this has been amended into the work plan of NCHRP Project 8-36, Task 6.
NCHRP 08-36/Task 037A Retrospective on the Conditions and Performance ReportCompletedCompleted---Final report sent to AASHTO
NCHRP 08-36/Task 038Supplemental Evaluation in Support of NCHRP 25-17CompletedCompleted---Results incorporated into NCHRP 25-17 final report
NCHRP 08-36/Task 039Forecasting Travel Time, Delay, and ReliabilityCompletedCompleted: For contract purposes, this task has been amended into NCHRP Project 7-15 and will be reported there.
NCHRP 08-36/Task 040National Site Visits on Transportation and GrowthCompletedCompleted---Final report sent to AASHTO
NCHRP 08-36/Task 041Non-Response to Personal Travel Surveys (support for NCHRP 8-37)CompletedCompleted---Results incorporated into NCHRP 08-37 final report
NCHRP 08-36/Task 042MPO Redefinition and Evolving RolesCompletedCompleted--Final report sent to AASHTO
NCHRP 08-36/Task 043Return on Investment on Freight Rail Capacity ImprovementCompletedCompleted---Final report sent to AASHTO
NCHRP 08-36/Task 044Multi-State MPOs: Approaches, Cases, and Institutional ArrangementsFinalCompleted--Final: Report sent to AASHTO
NCHRP 08-36/Task 045Multi-State Corridor PlanningCompletedCompleted---Final report sent to AASHTO
NCHRP 08-36/Task 046Synthesis of Where Data Groups are Organizationally Located in State DOTsCompletedCompleted---Final report sent to AASHTO
NCHRP 08-36/Task 047Effective Organization of Performance MeasurementCompletedCompleted---Final report sent to AASHTO
NCHRP 08-36/Task 048Guidance for Better Linking Systems Planning and the NEPA ProcessCompletedCompleted---Final report sent to AASHTO
NCHRP 08-36/Task 049Synthesis of Metropilitan-Level Transportation Funding SourcesCompletedCompleted---Final report sent to AASHTO
NCHRP 08-36/Task 050What is the Impact of an Aging Population on System Planning and Investment Policies?CompletedCompleted---Final report has been received
NCHRP 08-36/Task 051Information Design for Effective Decision Making and CommunicationCompletedCompleted---Final report sent to AASHTO
NCHRP 08-36/Task 052Changes in Travel Behavior/Demand Due to Managed Lanes (HOV, HOT) Facility System ExpansionFinalCompleted--Final report sent to AASHTO
NCHRP 08-36/Task 053Peer Review Capacity Building Partnership: Best Practices in Non-Traditional Performance Measures, Multimodal Goods Movement Tradeoffs, Safety, Reliability, and State FundingCompletedCompleted---Final reports sent to AASHTO
NCHRP 08-36/Task 054Census Data For Transportation PlanningCompletedCompleted---Papers posted to TRB Conference website and will be published in Conference Proceedings 12/30/2006
NCHRP 08-36/Task 055The Role of Collaboration in Freight Transportation ManagementCompletedCompleted---Final report sent to AASHTO
NCHRP 08-36/Task 056Highway Construction Project Coordination to Minimize Traffic ImpactsFinalCompleted---Final report sent to AASHTO
NCHRP 08-36/Task 057Institutional Needs in Safety PlanningFinalCompleted
NCHRP 08-36/Task 058Best Practices for State and MPO NHS and STP ProgrammingFinal
NCHRP 08-36/Task 059Transportation and HealthFinalCompleted
NCHRP 08-36/Task 060State DOT Consideration of Infrastructure Development Potential PlanningCompletedCompleted
NCHRP 08-36/Task 061Monetary Valuation Per Dollar of Investment in Different Performance MeasuresCompletedCompleted
NCHRP 08-36/Task 062Best Practice Methodology for Calculating Return on Investment (ROI) for Transportation Programs and ProjectsCompletedCompleted - Final Report sent to AASHTO
NCHRP 08-36/Task 063Making NAICS (North American Industrial Classification System) Work for TransportationCompletedCompleted
NCHRP 08-36/Task 064Right of Way Methods and Tools to Control Project Cost EscalationCompletedCompleted--project canceled and funds combined with NCHRP Project 08-49, Procedures for Cost Estimation and Management for Highway Projects During Planning, Programming, and Reconstruction
NCHRP 08-36/Task 065Best Practices for Incorporating Commodity Flow Survey and Related Data into the MPO and Statewide Planning ProcessesFinalFinal Report sent to AASHTO
NCHRP 08-36/Task 066Improved Methods for Assessing Social, Cultural, and economic Effects of Transportation ProjectsFinalCompleted--Final report sent to AASHTO
NCHRP 08-36/Task 067Best Practices in Using Programmatic Investment Strategies in Statewide Transportation PlansFinalCompleted--Final report sent to AASHTO
NCHRP 08-36/Task 068Implications of New 8-Hour Control Strategy Development on Transportation Programs, Policies, and ProjectsCompletedCompleted
NCHRP 08-36/Task 069Peer Review Sessions to be amended into NCHRP 8-36(53)FinalCompleted; Reports sent to AASHTO
NCHRP 08-36/Task 070Scoping Study for Statewide Travel Forecasting National ModelFinal
NCHRP 08-36/Task 071Disclosure Avoidance Techniques to Improve ACS Data AvailabilityFinalThe project has been completed and the final report submitted to AASHTO
NCHRP 08-36/Task 072Implementing Project Cost Estimation and Management Process ImprovementsCompletedCompleted--Final report sent to AASHTO
NCHRP 08-36/Task 073Adding Resilience to the Freight System in Statewide and Metropolitan Transportation Plans: Developing a Conceptual ApproachCompletedCompleted - Final Report sent to AASHTO
NCHRP 08-36/Task 074Customer Research Practices and Applications in TransportationCompletedCompleted--Final report sent to AASHTO
NCHRP 08-36/Task 075Research FindersCompletedCompleted--Final report sent to AASHTO
NCHRP 08-36/Task 076Conference on Best Practices in Meeting SAFETEA-LU Requirements in the Statewide Transportation Planning ProcessFinalCompleted.
NCHRP 08-36/Task 078Small Community Research and Peer ExchangeFinalCompleted
NCHRP 08-36/Task 079Scoping Study for a Freight Data Exchange NetworkFinalThe project has been completed and the final report submitted to AASHTO
NCHRP 08-36/Task 080Synthesis of State Practices in Developing Linear Referencing SystemsFinalThe project has been completed and the final report submitted to AASHTO
NCHRP 08-36/Task 081Enhancing the American Community Survey Data as a Source for Home-to-Work FlowsFinal
NCHRP 08-36/Task 083Transportation Planning Partnerships to Enhance National Parks and Gateway CommunitiesFinal
NCHRP 08-36/Task 084Asset Management of Environmental Mitigation FeaturesFinalFunding was provided to NCHRP 25-25, Task 51
NCHRP 08-36/Task 085Congestion Pricing and Investment RequirementsFinalThis project is complete and the final report has been sent to AASHTO.
NCHRP 08-36/Task 086Corridor Approaches to Integrating Land Transportation and Land UseCompleted
NCHRP 08-36/Task 087SCOP Strategic PlanningFinal
NCHRP 08-36/Task 088Transportation Research Programs to Address Energy and Climate ChangeFinalCompleted-- See TRB Special Report 299
NCHRP 08-36/Task 089Evaluating and Communicating Model Results: Guidebook for PlannersFinalFinal Report sent to AASHTO
NCHRP 08-36/Task 090Best Practices in the Use of Microsimulation ModelsFinalCompleted. Final Report submitted to AASHTO SCOP
NCHRP 08-36/Task 091Validation and Sensitivity Considerations for Statewide ModelsFinalFinal Report submitted to AASHTO SCOP
NCHRP 08-36/Task 092Counting MotorcyclesFinalFinal Report sent to AASHTO
NCHRP 08-36/Task 093Road Pricing Communication PracticesFinalComplete. Final report sent to AASHTO.
NCHRP 08-36/Task 094Integrated State and Local Government Policy Approaches to Transportation and Climate ChangeFinalCompleted - Final Report sent to AASHTO
NCHRP 08-36/Task 095Virtual Conference on Transportation Planning Research NeedsFinal
NCHRP 08-36/Task 096Selecting and Using Advanced Travel Demand Modeling Tools - A Peer ExchangeFinalFinal Report sent to AASHTO.
NCHRP 08-36/Task 097ATowards Quantitative Safety Planning: Implementation of PLANSAFEFinalCompleted - Final Report sent to AASHTO
NCHRP 08-36/Task 097BTowards Quantitative Safety Planning: Implementation SupportFinalCompleted. Results incorporated into NCHRP 08-36, Task 97A Final Report.
NCHRP 08-36/Task 098Improving Home-to-Work and Employment Data for Transportation PlanningFinalFinal Report sent to AASHTO SCOP
NCHRP 08-36/Task 099How We Travel: A Sustainable National Program for Travel DataFinalPublished as TRB Special Report 304
NCHRP 08-36/Task 100Transportation Data Program Self Assessment GuideFinalCompleted. Final Report submitted to AASHTO SCOP
NCHRP 08-36/Task 101Understanding How to Develop and Apply Economic Analyses: Guidance for Transportation PlannersFinalCompleted-- Final Report sent to AASHTO.
NCHRP 08-36/Task 102Assessing Alternative Methods for Measuring Regional MobilityFinalCompleted--Final Report sent to AASHTO
NCHRP 08-36/Task 103Mining American Recovery and Reinvestment Act Jobs Data for Opportunities to Improve Economic Impact and Performance Analysis of Transportation InvestmentsFinalCompleted--Final Report sent to AASHTO.
NCHRP 08-36/Task 104Integrating Performance Measures into a Performance-Based Planning and Programming (PBPP) ProcessFinal
NCHRP 08-36/Task 105Strategic Plan for the AASHTO Standing Committee on Planning: 2011 UpdateFinalCompleted--Final Report sent to AASHTO.
NCHRP 08-36/Task 106Synthesis of Practices for Prioritizing Enhancement and Nonmotorized Transportation ProjectsFinal
NCHRP 08-36/Task 107Synthesis of State DOT and MPO Planning and Analyses on Strategies to Reduce Greenhouse Gas EmissionsFinalComplete. FInal Report sent to AASHTO.
NCHRP 08-36/Task 108Improving Travel Behavior Data for Alternative Fuel Vehicles: A Scoping StudyFinalCompleted -- Final Report Sent to AASHTO
NCHRP 08-36/Task 109Non-Rail Infrastructure Upgrade and/or New Construction Due to Passenger Rail ImplementationFinalCompleted. Final report sent to AASHTO.
NCHRP 08-36/Task 111U.S. Commuting and Travel Patterns: Data Development and AnalysisFinal
NCHRP 08-36/Task 112Cross Mode Project Prioritization -- An Assessment of Current PracticeFinal
NCHRP 08-36/Task 113The Future of Transportation Planning in State DOTsFinal
NCHRP 08-36/Task 114Transportation Asset Management for Ancillary StructuresFinal
NCHRP 08-36/Task 115Application of Fair Division, Data Envelopment Analysis, and Conjoint Analysis Techniques to Funding Decisions at the Program and Project/Activity Level FinalCompleted--Final Report sent to AASHTO
NCHRP 08-36/Task 116Development of Transportation Asset Management Plan TemplatesCompleted
NCHRP 08-36/Task 117Sketch Planning Tools for Regional SustainabilityFinal
NCHRP 08-36/Task 118Performance Measures for State Infrastructure PreservationFinal
NCHRP 08-36/Task 119Transportation Users Guide to the Economic CensusFinal
NCHRP 08-36/Task 120Snapshots of Planning PracticesCompleted
NCHRP 08-36/Task 121Successful Implementation of Enterprise Risk Management in State Transportation AgenciesCompleted
NCHRP 08-36/Task 125Transportation Asset Management Knowledge PortalCompleted
NCHRP 08-36/Task 126Development of a Risk Register Spreadsheet ToolCompleted
NCHRP 08-36/Task 127Employment Data for Planning: A Resource GuideCompleted
NCHRP 08-36/Task 128Data Visualization Methods for Transportation AgenciesCompleted
NCHRP 08-36/Task 129Scoping Study to Establish Standards and Guidance for Data for Transportation Planning and Traffic Operations PurposesCompleted
NCHRP 08-36/Task 12AAnalysis of the Factors Affecting Future Transportation Environment and their Implications for State DOTsCompletedCompleted---Final report sent to AASHTO
NCHRP 08-36/Task 12BAnalysis of the Factors Affecting Future Transportation Environment and their Implications for State DOTsCompletedCompleted---Final report sent to AASHTO
NCHRP 08-36/Task 130Inventory and Assessment of Methods for Making Collected Transportation Data AnonymousCompleted
NCHRP 08-36/Task 131Transportation Data Integration to Develop Planning Performance Measures Completed
NCHRP 08-36/Task 132Understanding Changes in Youth MobilityCompleted
NCHRP 08-36/Task 134Transportation Asset Management Research RoadmapCompleted
NCHRP 08-36/Task 135Addressing Margins of Error in Small Areas of Data Delivered through the American Fact Finder or the Census Transportation Planning Products ProgramCompleted
NCHRP 08-36/Task 136License Plate Reader Technology: Privacy Risk Analysis and Case StudiesCompleted
NCHRP 08-36/Task 137Assessing the Utility and Costs of Statewide Travel Demand ModelsCompleted
NCHRP 08-36/Task 138Support and Update of the Strategic Plan for SCOP/Subcommittees on TAMCompleted
NCHRP 08-36/Task 139Planning Research DigestCompleted
NCHRP 08-36/Task 140Assessing Actual Transportation Impacts of the 2005 BRAC DecisionsCompleted
NCHRP 08-36/Task 141Evaluation of Walk and Bicycle Demand Modeling PracticeCompleted
NCHRP 08-36/Task 142Advancing Sustainability through Multi-Agency CollaborationsCompleted
NCHRP 08-36/Task 145Scenario Planning LiteCompleted
NCHRP 08-36/Task 146Economic Resilience and Long-Term Highway/Transportation Infrastructure InvestmentCompleted
NCHRP 08-36/Task 147Strategic Mobility Research: Enhancing Mobility, Stimulating Economic Activity, Saving LivesCompleted
NCHRP 08-36CResearch for the AASHTO Standing Committee on PlanningActive
NCHRP 08-37Standardized Procedures for Personal Travel SurveysCompleted
NCHRP 08-38Consideration of Environmental Factors in Transportation Systems PlanningCompleted
NCHRP 08-39Financing and Improving Land Access to U.S. Cargo HubsCompleted
NCHRP 08-40Evaluating Cultural Resource Significance Using Information Technology (IT)Completed
NCHRP 08-40(02)Evaluating Cultural Resource Significance-Implementation ToolsCompleted
NCHRP 08-41Effective Methods for Environmental Justice AssessmentFinal
NCHRP 08-42Rail-Freight Solutions to Roadway CongestionFinal
NCHRP 08-43Methods for Forecasting Statewide Freight Movements and Related Performance MeasuresFinal
NCHRP 08-44Incorporating Safety into Long-Range Transportation PlanningCompleted
NCHRP 08-44(02)Transportation Safety Planning: Forecasting the Safety Impacts of Socio-Demographic Changes and Safety InvestmentsCompleted
NCHRP 08-45A New Vision of Mobility: Guidance to Foster Collaborative Multimodal Decision MakingCompleted
NCHRP 08-46A Guide for Including Access Management in Transportation PlansCompleted
NCHRP 08-47Guidebook for Freight Policy, Planning, and Programming in Small and Mid-Sized Metropolitan AreasFinalCompleted and published as NCHRP Report 570
NCHRP 08-48Using American Community Survey Data for Transportation PlanningCompleted
NCHRP 08-49(02)Right of Way Methods and Tools to Control Project Cost EscalationFinal
NCHRP 08-50Factors that Support the Planning-Programming LinkageFinalCompleted and published as NCHRP Report 591
NCHRP 08-51Enhancing Internal Trip Capture Estimation for Mixed-Use DevelopmentsCompleted
NCHRP 08-52Best Practices to Enhance the Transportation/Land-Use Connection in Rural AmericaCompleted
NCHRP 08-53Integrating Freight into Transportation Planning and Project-Selection ProcessesFinalPublished as NCHRP Report 594
NCHRP 08-54Identification of Liability-Related Impediments to Sharing 409 Safety Data Among Transportation Agencies, and Synthesis of Best PracticesFinal
NCHRP 08-55Integrating Geo-Spatial Technologies into the Right-of-Way Data-Management ProcessCompleted
NCHRP 08-55ADeveloping a Logical Model for a Geo-Spatial Right-Of-Way Land Management SystemCompleted The final report is available as NCHRP Report 695 and CD-ROM 99.
NCHRP 08-56Truck Noise-Source MappingCompletedPublished as NCHRP Report 635
NCHRP 08-57Assessing Highway Tolling and Pricing Options and Impacts: Vol. 1: Decision-Making Framework; Vol. 2: Travel Demand Forecasting ToolsFinal
NCHRP 08-58Development of a Multimodal Statewide Corridor Planning GuidebookFinal
NCHRP 08-59Transportation Cost Implications of New DevelopmentCompletedThe revised final report has been received and posted on the NCHRP website
NCHRP 08-60Guidebook on Risk Analysis Tools and Management Practices to Control Transportation Project CostFinal
NCHRP 08-61Travel Demand Forecasting: Parameters and TechniquesFinalPublished as NCHRP Report 716.
NCHRP 08-62Transportation Performance Management: Insight from PractitionersFinal
NCHRP 08-63Review of Canadian Experience with Large Commercial Motor VehiclesCompleted
NCHRP 08-64A Guidebook on Improved Principles, Processes, and Methods for Shared-Use Passenger and Freight Rail CorridorsCompleted
NCHRP 08-65Guidebook for Successful Communication, Cooperation, and Coordination Strategies Between Transportation Agencies and Tribal Communities Completed
NCHRP 08-66Trip-Generation Rates for Transportation Impact Analyses of Infill DevelopmentsCompleted
NCHRP 08-67Measuring Transportation Network PerformanceFinal
NCHRP 08-68Citizen’s Guide and Discipline-Specific Professionals’ Guide for Context-Sensitive Solutions in TransportationFinal
NCHRP 08-69Supplement to the AASHTO Transportation Asset Management Guide: Volume 2 - A Focus on ImplementationFinalFinal Report received and will be published by AASHTO
NCHRP 08-70Target-Setting Methods and Data Management To Support Performance-Based Resource Allocation by Transportation AgenciesFinal
NCHRP 08-71Methodology for Estimating Life Expectancies of Highway AssetsFinal
NCHRP 08-72Practical Approaches for Involving Traditionally Underserved Populations in Transportation DecisionmakingFinal
NCHRP 08-73Road Pricing, Public Perceptions and Program DevelopmentFinalCompleted. Final report published as Report 686.
NCHRP 08-74A Guidebook for Sustainability Performance Measurement for Transportation AgenciesFinal
NCHRP 08-75Guidelines for Evaluation and Performance Measurement of Congestion Pricing Projects CompletedThe final report has been published as NCHRP Report 694.
NCHRP 08-76Institutionalizing Safety in Transportation Planning Processes: Techniques, Tactics and StrategiesFinal
NCHRP 08-77A Model for Identifying and Evaluating the Historic Significance of Post-World War II HousingFinal
NCHRP 08-78Estimating Bicycling and Walking for Planning and Project DevelopmentCompletedCompleted and published as NCHRP Report 770
NCHRP 08-79Producing Transportation Data Products from the American Community Survey that Comply with Disclosure RulesFinalCompleted, Final Report published as Web-Only Document 180
NCHRP 08-80Freight Trip Generation and Land Use (Jointly Funded as NCFRP 25)Active
NCHRP 08-81Improving the Quality of Motorcycle Travel Data CollectionCompletedCompleted - Published as NCHRP Report 760.
NCHRP 08-82Deployment, Use, and Effect of Real-Time Traveler Information SystemsFinalPublished as NCHRP Web-Only Document 192
NCHRP 08-83Analytical Travel Forecasting Approaches for Project-Level Planning and DesignFinalCompleted. Final product is published as NCHRP Report 765 and CD-ROM 143
NCHRP 08-84Long-Distance and Rural Travel Transferable Parameters for Statewide Travel Forecasting ModelsFinalReport published as NCHRP Report 735
NCHRP 08-85The Comprehensive Costs of Highway-Rail At-Grade Crossing CrashesFinal
NCHRP 08-86Capacity Modeling Guiodebook for Shared-Use Passenger and Freight Rail OperationsFinal
NCHRP 08-87Successful Practices in GIS-Based Asset ManagementFinal
NCHRP 08-88Effective Project Scoping Practices to Improve On-Time and On-Budget Delivery of Highway ProjectsFinal
NCHRP 08-89Applying GPS Data to Understand Travel BehaviorFinalPublished as NCHRP Report 775
NCHRP 08-90Transportation Asset Management Gap Analysis ToolCompletedDraft final products deliered to AASHTO; they will publish.
NCHRP 08-91Cross-Asset Resource Allocation and the Impact on System PerformanceFinal
NCHRP 08-92Implementing a Transportation Agency Data Self-Assessment Final
NCHRP 08-93Managing Risk Across the Enterprise: A Guidebook for State Departments of TransportationFinal
NCHRP 08-94Guidelines for Selecting Travel Forecasting Methods and TechniquesCompleted
NCHRP 08-95Cell Phone Location Data for Travel Behavior AnalysisCompleted
NCHRP 08-96Integrating Goods and Services Movement by Commercial Vehicles in Smart Growth EnvironmentsFinalCompleted. Published as NCHRP Report 844.
NCHRP 08-97Finding and Using Data to Identify and Evaluate Corridors for Transporting Multi-state, Multi-modal Oversize/Overweight FreightCompleted
NCHRP 08-98Guide for Identifying, Classifying, Evaluating, and Mitigating Truck Freight BottlenecksFinalComplete. Published as NCHRP Research Report 854.
NCHRP 08-99Methodology for Estimating the Value of Travel Time Reliability for Truck Freight System UsersFinalPublished as NCHRP Report 824.