Project Number Project Title Stage Comments
NCHRP 22-05Develop Performance Standards and Hardware for Low Service Level Guardrail SystemsCompleted
NCHRP 22-05AWarrants for the Installation of Low Service Level Guardrail SystemsCompleted
NCHRP 22-06Roadside Safety Design for Small VehiclesCompleted
NCHRP 22-07Update of "Recommended Procedures for Safety Performance Evaluation of Highway Appurtenances"Completed
NCHRP 22-08Evaluation of Performance Level Selection Criteria for Bridge RailingsCompleted
NCHRP 22-09Improved Procedures for Cost-Effectiveness Analysis of Roadside Safety FeaturesCompleted
NCHRP 22-10Updated Materials for a Traffic Barrier/Small Sign Support Hardware GuideCompleted
NCHRP 22-11Evaluation of Roadside Features to Accommodate Vans, Mini-Vans, Pickup Trucks, & 4-Wheel Drive VehiclesCompleted
NCHRP 22-12Guidelines for the Selection, Installation, and Maintenance of Highway-Safety FeaturesCompleted
NCHRP 22-12(02)Selection Criteria and Guidelines for Highway Safety FeaturesCompleted
NCHRP 22-12(03)Recommended Guidelines for the Selection of Test Levels 2 Through 5 Bridge RailsCompleted
NCHRP 22-13Performance of Roadside BarriersCompleted
NCHRP 22-13(2)Expansion and Analysis of In-Service Barrier Performance Data and Planning for Establishment of a DatabaseCompleted
NCHRP 22-14Improvement of the Procedures for the Safety-Performance Evaluation of Roadside FeaturesCompleted
NCHRP 22-14(02)Improved Procedures for Safety-Performance Evaluation of Roadside FeaturesCompleted
NCHRP 22-14(03)Evaluation of Existing Roadside Safety Hardware Using Updated CriteriaCompleted
NCHRP 22-14(04)Testing of Cable Median Barrier in a Narrow DitchCompleted
NCHRP 22-15Improving the Compatibility of Vehicles and Roadside Safety HardwareCompleted
NCHRP 22-16Development of an Improved Roadside Barrier SystemCompleted
NCHRP 22-17Recommended Guidelines for Curbs and Curb-Barrier CombinationsCompleted
NCHRP 22-18Crashworthy Work-Zone Traffic Control DevicesCompleted
NCHRP 22-19Aesthetic Concrete Barrier and Bridge Rail DesignsCompleted
NCHRP 22-20Design of Roadside Barrier Systems Placed on MSE Retaining WallsCompleted
NCHRP 22-20(02)Design Guidelines for TL-3 through TL-5 Roadside Barrier Systems Placed on Mechanically Stabilized Earth (MSE) Retaining WallsFinal
NCHRP 22-21Median Cross-Section Design for Rural Divided HighwaysFinal
NCHRP 22-22Placement of Traffic Barriers on Roadside and Median SlopesFinal
NCHRP 22-22(02)Effectiveness of Traffic Barriers on Non-Level TerrainFinal
NCHRP 22-23Criteria for Restoration of Longitudinal BarriersCompleted
NCHRP 22-24Guidelines for Verification and Validation of Crash Simulations Used in Roadside Safety ApplicationsCompleted
NCHRP 22-25Development of Guidance for the Selection, Use, and Maintenance of Cable Barrier SystemsCompleted
NCHRP 22-26Factors Related to Serious Injury and Fatal Motorcycle Crashes with Traffic BarriersFinal
NCHRP 22-27Roadside Safety Analysis Program (RSAP) UpdateFinal
NCHRP 22-28Criteria for Restoration of Longitudinal Barriers, Phase IIFinal
NCHRP 22-29Performance of Longitudinal Barriers on Curved, Superelevated Roadway SectionsCompletedThe project was terminated due to the departure of several key staff.
NCHRP 22-29AEvaluating the Performance of Longitudinal Barriers on Curved, Superelevated Roadway SectionsCompleted
NCHRP 22-29BEvaluating the Performance of Longitudinal Barriers on Curved, Superelevated Off-RampsCompletedPublication decision pending.
NCHRP 22-30In-Service Performance Evaluation of W-beam End TerminalsCompletedCompleted - published as TRB Special Report 323
NCHRP 22-31Recommended Guidelines for the Selection and Placement of Test Levels 2 through 5 Median BarriersFinalPublished as NCHRP Research Report 996.
NCHRP 22-32Development of Methods to Evaluate Side Impacts for Next Edition MASHCompleted
NCHRP 22-32ADevelopment of Methods to Evaluate Side Impacts – Phase IIActive
NCHRP 22-33Multi-State In-Service Performance Evaluations of Roadside Safety HardwareFinal
NCHRP 22-34Determination of Zone of Intrusion Envelopes under MASH Impact Conditions for Barrier AttachmentsFinalResearch is complete. Final Report is published as NCHRP Report 1018
NCHRP 22-35Evaluation of Bridge Rail Systems to Confirm AASHTO MASH ComplianceFinalPublished as NCHRP Research Report 1024
NCHRP 22-36Synthesis of the Performance of Portable Concrete Barrier SystemsFinal
NCHRP 22-36(01)A Guideline for Connection Details Between Portable Concrete Barrier SegmentsFinalNCHRP canceled this project and reallocated project funds to NCHRP Program
NCHRP 22-37Development of a MASH Barrier to Shield Pedestrians, Bicyclists, and Other Vulnerable Users from Motor VehiclesFinal
NCHRP 22-38Development of MASH TL-3 Deflection Reduction Guidance for 31-inch GuardrailFinal
NCHRP 22-39Guardrail Performance at Various Offsets from Curb MASH TL-3 ApplicationsFinal
NCHRP 22-40Investigation of Material Requirements for Highway Guardrail SpecificationsActivePhase I and II completed. Phase III research in progress.
NCHRP 22-41Proposed Modification to AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications, Section 13—RailingFinalPublished as NCHRP Research Report 1109
NCHRP 22-42AImpact Performance Assessment of Barrier Performance at High SpeedsActive
NCHRP 22-43Proposed AASHTO Guidelines for Implementation of MASH for Sign Supports, Breakaway Poles, and Work Zone Traffic Control DevicesActiveNCHRP Projects 22-43 and 17-105 are combined. NCHRP Project 22-43 is completed, and research is underway for NCHRP Project 17-105.
NCHRP 22-44A Transportation Agency Data Collection Practice for Use with In-Service Performance Evaluations (ISPEs)Final
NCHRP 22-45Informing the Selection of Countermeasures by Evaluating, Analyzing, and Diagnosing Contributing Factors that Lead to Crashes FinalResearch completed
NCHRP 22-46Human Factors Guidelines for Road Systems, Proposed 4th EditionCompleted
NCHRP 22-47AIncorporating Driver Behavior and Characteristics into Safety Prediction MethodsActiveResearch in progress
NCHRP 22-48Development of Crash Prediction Models for Short-Term DurationsFinalResearch is complete. Published as NCHRP research Report 1073
NCHRP 22-49The Effect of Vehicle Mix on Crash Frequency and Crash SeverityFinalResearch is complete. Final report and guide published as NCHRP Research Report 1103 and NCHRP WOD 393, respectively
NCHRP 22-50Crashworthiness of Roadside Hardware on Curbed RoadwaysActive
NCHRP 22-51Impact of Soil Stiffness on the Performance of Crash Testing and Roadside SafetyActiveResearch in Progress
NCHRP 22-52Development of a Crashworthy Tangent End Treatment for Low-Speed and Curbed RoadwaysActive
NCHRP 22-53Delineation of Linear Roadside Hardware Systems and Roadside ObstaclesActive
NCHRP 22-54MASH Hardware Evaluation with New Proposed Test VehiclesActive
NCHRP 22-55Implementation of MASH Surrogate Test Vehicles for Sign Supports, Breakaway Poles, and Work Zone Traffic Control DevicesActive
NCHRP 22-56Development of Non-proprietary Prefabricated Solutions for Concrete Barrier Systems for Accelerated Bridge ConstructionActiveResearch In Progress
NCHRP 22-57Procedures for Development of MASH Full-Scale Test Matrices for Additional Roadside Safety DevicesActive
NCHRP 22-58National In-Service Performance Evaluation Guidelines for Defining Acceptable Roadside Safety HardwareActive
NCHRP 22-59Safety Risks of Occupant Compartment Damage During CrashesActiveResearch in progress
NCHRP 22-60Guidelines for Crash Testing Roadside Safety Hardware for MotorcyclesActive
NCHRP 22-61Crashworthiness of Roadside Hardware Impacted by Battery Electric VehiclesActive
NCHRP 22-62Tool for Estimating the Deflection of Temporary Traffic Barriers with Reduced Impact AnglesActive
NCHRP 22-63Verification and Validation Guidelines to Use Computer Simulation as an Alternative to Full-scale Crash TestingPending
NCHRP 22-64Method for Using ISPEs in Crash-Testing ProtocolsRFP
NCHRP 22-65Examination of Current U.S. and EU Crash Test Evaluation Criteria for Sign and Luminaire Support Structures and Work Zone DevicesRFP
NCHRP 22-66Development of Critical Impact Point and Impact Angle Guidance for the Manual for Assessing Safety Hardware (MASH)AnticipatedIn development
NCHRP 22-67Investigation and Validation of V-Ditch Traversability Related to Crash Testing Cable Barrier Systems RFP