NCHRP 19-04 | A Review of DOT Compliance with GASB 34 Requirements | Completed | |
NCHRP 19-05 | Assessing and Mitigating Future Impacts to the Federal Highway Trust Fund such as Alternative Fuel Consumption | Final | |
NCHRP 19-06 | Identifying and Quantifying Rates of State Motor Fuel Tax Evasion | Completed | |
NCHRP 19-07 | GASB 34--Methods for Condition Assessment and Preservation | Final | |
NCHRP 19-08 | Costs of Alternative Revenue-Generation Systems | Completed | |
NCHRP 19-10 | AASHTO Partnering Handbook, Second Edition | Completed | Draft final report received August 7, 2017. |
NCHRP 19-11 | Applying Risk Analysis, Value Engineering, and other Innovative Solutions for Project Delivery | Completed | |
NCHRP 19-12 | Guide for Financial Planning and Management in Support of Transportation Asset Management | Final | |
NCHRP 19-13 | Guidance for Use of Land Value Return and Recycling to Fund Transportation | Final | |
NCHRP 19-14 | Right-Sizing Transportation Investments--Methods for Planning and Programming | Completed | |
NCHRP 19-15 | Guidebook for Effective Policies and Practices for Managing Surface Transportation Debt | Final | NCHRP Report 990 has been published |
NCHRP 19-16 | Federal Funding Uncertainty in State, Local, and Regional Departments of Transportation: Impacts, Responses, and Adaptation | Final | |
NCHRP 19-17 | Federal Funding Flexibility: Use of Federal Aid Highway Fund Transfers by State DOTs | Final | |
NCHRP 19-18 | Transitioning Fuel Tax Assessments to a Road Usage Charge | Final | |
NCHRP 19-19 | Sustaining Zero-Fare Public Transit in a Post COVID-19 World: A Guide for State DOTs | Final | Published as NCHRP Research Report 1126 on 9/26/2024 |
NCHRP 19-20 | Interdependence of Federal, State, and Local Transportation Funding and Ownership | Active | |
NCHRP 19-21 | Selecting Revenue Models for Electric Vehicle Charging | Active | Research in progress |
NCHRP 19-22 | Equity Impacts of Transportation Revenue Mechanisms and Changing Trends | Active | Research is progress. |
NCHRP 19-23 | Revenue-Related Strategies for New Mobility Options | Active | |
NCHRP 19-24 | A Guide for Implementing Price Adjustment Clauses to Balance Risk Sharing in Construction Projects | Active | |
NCHRP 19-25 | Funding Needs for Maintenance and Preservation of Transportation Assets | Active | Research in Progress |
NCHRP 19-26 | Modernizing Fuel Tax Revenue Forecasting | Active | |