Project Number
Project Title
TCRP Synthesis J-07/Topic SA-56
Use of Automatic Vehicle Monitoring (AVM) and Vehicle Health Monitoring/Diagnostic Systems by Transit Agencies
Active (Synthesis)
TCRP Synthesis J-07/Topic SA-59
Electronic Surveillance of Railroad-Highway Crossings for Collison Avoidance, State of the Practice
Active (Synthesis)
TCRP Synthesis J-07/Topic SA-61
State of Practice for Transit Recovery in the Aftermath of Severe Weather Events
Active (Synthesis)
TCRP Synthesis J-07/Topic SA-62
Planning and Operations Initatives to Support Nighttime Off-Peak Transit Ridership
Active (Synthesis)
TCRP Synthesis J-07/Topic SA-63
How Transit Operator Health and Wellbeing Affects Workforce Strength
Active (Synthesis)
In contracting
TCRP Synthesis J-07/Topic SA-64
Transit Scheduling and Dispatch Practice that Increase Operator Quality of Life
Active (Synthesis)
In contracting
TCRP Synthesis J-07/Topic SB-37
Transit Agency Goals and Non-Traditional Performance Indicators Focused on Equity
Active (Synthesis)
TCRP Synthesis J-07/Topic SB-39
Improving Transit Customer Perception of Personal Security
Active (Synthesis)
TCRP Synthesis J-07/Topic SB-40
Low-Income Transit Discount Provision at Public Transit Agencies in the United States
Active (Synthesis)
TCRP Synthesis J-07/Topic SB-41
Microtransit Solutions in Rural Communities: On-Demand Alternatives to Dial-A-Ride Services and Unproductive Coverage Routes
Active (Synthesis)
Research Completed. Publication pending.
TCRP Synthesis J-07/Topic SB-42
Operational and Service Factors When Integrating/Consolidating ADA Paratransit and On-Demand Services
Active (Synthesis)
TCRP Synthesis J-07/Topic SB-44
The State of Art Programs in Transit
Active (Synthesis)
Research in Progress
TCRP Synthesis J-07/Topic SB-45
Synthesis of Transit Agency Customer Experience Programs
Active (Synthesis)
Research in Progress
TCRP Synthesis J-07/Topic SD-07
Red Tinted Bus Lanes Experience
Active (Synthesis)
Research in Progress.
TCRP Synthesis J-07/Topic SH-24
Impacts of Fentanyl and Substance Use on Transit
Active (Synthesis)
Research in Progress.
TCRP Synthesis J-07/Topic SH-25
Building Safe, Quality Access to Bus Stops for Rural and Exurban Communities
Active (Synthesis)
In contracting.